Male Care Package: For Men’s Sexual Health and Wellbeing
The Male Care package provides wonderful relief from the many burdens associated with being a man in today’s world. It specializes in helping you live healthier while improving your sex life! This is achieved through their 100% natural herbal remedies that can be taken by mail order without prescription required!
Green world Male Care package help men to overcome different health problem they are facing with age such as premature ejaculation, prostate enlargement, and Erectile dysfunction.
The GREEN WORLD Male care packages include a variety of items including male enhancement pills, prostate supplements, sexual performance products for improved long-lasting erections.
The packs provide wonderful relief from the many burdens associated with being a man in today’s world. It specializes in helping you live healthier while improving your sex life! This is achieved through their 100% natural herbal remedies that can be taken by mail order without prescription required!
Despite these challenges to their health, men tend to ignore their symptoms, are less likely to visit their doctors for advice, and maybe especially reluctant to ask for help when they notice abnormalities of their health. Here are some common disorders men may come across at different ages.
The benefit of the Male Care Package
Benefits of taking the GREEN WORLD Male Care package includes:
- Packed with nutrients providing products to keep you feeling great!
- It includes a vitamin combo pack to ensure optimal health
- Green Tea
- Sexual Enhancement products
- It contain Prostate prevention and Kidney Care products
- It contain all you need in one convenient box that’s perfect for ultimate wellness program
Male Care Package Include:
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is not a disease in itself, in the sense that Ghere is no symptoms of illness produced by raised blood pressure alone, even when it is quite severe. Rather it is a risk factor, like smoking or a fatty diet, which makes it more likely that other illnesses will occur.
Both strokes and heart attacks are more common in people with high blood pressure. High blood pressure also makes the heart work harder. In the early stages, this makes the heart muscle get larger, to cope with the increased work it has to do. In more advanced disease, particularly if the heart has been weakened by myocardial infarction or by damage to the system which makes it beat regularly, the heart may fail.
In hospitals they use drugs to remove the excess fluid from the body: diuretics (water tablets.) In some cases it is possible to improve the efficiency of the heart in various ways, for example with drugs to make it beat at amore effective rate.
Drugs don’t cure the disease but suppress or quieten the pain.
• Lipid care tea
• Cardio power capsules
• Deep-sea fish oil soft gell
• Gingko biloba capsules
• Garlic oil capsules
These products get reed of the illness forever.
There are many health issues that only affect men. In this write-up, I am going to focus on men’s SEXUAL health issues. However, these issues include— male infertility, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, erectile dysfunction-premature ejaculation, urinary tract infection etc.
GREEN WORLD Has got Natural and Organic Herbal Medicinal Supplements that have the capability of REPAIRING and RESTORING male sex organs into their former glory.
Our products basically, UP-ROOT the health challenges and constraints that men undergo.
The natural organic herbal medicines we have are as follows:::

(1)VIG POWER-– It increases sperm count, improves sperm motility, strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing the kidneys, increases sexual desire of men, enhances the oxygen content in blood which helps in penis erection for normal sexual performance, help with sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation and erectile disfunction plus frequent spermatorrhea.

(2)KIDNEY TONIFYING CAPSULE FOR MEN— helps men with impotence caused by weakened kidney function, it invigorates the kidneys and improves the function of infiltration, removes toxins accumulated in the kidneys, improves sexuality in men, it is the MINISTER OF POWER.

(3). ZINC – it promotes high libido, supports the men’s reproductive system with FERTILITY, boosts optimal physical performance and energy levels for men, it is a critical mineral for robust testosterone levels because the cells of the male prostate require 10 times more zinc than the other cells in the body to stay healthy and perform optimally.

(4)CORDYCEPS – It regulates the rate of breathing for men during intercourse, thus enhancing the function of the lungs, provides energy for men who suffer from fatigue during intercourse.

(5)PROSTASURE – restrains the growth of pathogenic microorganism in the prostate, improves blood circulation of the prostate gland, alleviates symptoms of prostate disorders. Accordingly, the signs n symptoms of prostate cancer include #difficulty passing urine, frequent need to urinate, difficulty in starting and stopping the urinary stream, BLOOD IN THE URINE, a painful or burning sensation when passing urine, pain in the lower back or pelvic area. MEN ASK FOR GREEN WORLD PRODUCTS THEY WILL BRING YOU BACK IN THE GAME!